Jezebel Tuesday

Lifestyle, travel + beauty

Friday, 18 December 2015


Hello all!

I know it's been a really long time since I last posted anything and I'm really sorry, please forgive me!
I've not forgotten but I've been very busy the past few months working, debating and just not having time for anything else. 

I am very excited for the new year because after a lot of thinking, planning and worrying my boyfriend and I finally made our minds up and have decided we're going travelling for 8 months next year, from January to August!
I've never done anything like this before, I've been on holidays and lived abroad but never anything so BIG and decisive, that I've surprised myself in actually saying yes to it.

We've both quit our long term jobs, which took a lot of debating for us, for me because I'm so comfortable there and have made so many lovely friends that I'll be so sad to leave in January!
My last day is officially January the 1st.. then we'll be jobless for over 8 months which really scares me!

The plan is to go to Southeast Asia for 4-5 months and Australia for 3 months. I've never been to either of those places so I'm very excited.

I will post more about this on a later date, today is just a brief post about why I've not been posting and so you guys know I haven't given up blogging, quite the opposite, I'll be blogging A LOT while I'm away because I think it'll be really fun to let you guys know what I'm doing and sharing tips and stories. I would also love to know if that's something any of you are interested in reading?

Please feel free to ask any questions or if you have any requests on blog posts maybe a 'What's in my travel bag?' 

Thank you so much for taking time to read this and I hope you enjoy what's to come!



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