Jezebel Tuesday

Lifestyle, travel + beauty

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


I love avocado!
They're super healthy and yummy.
Normally I don't like eating healthily, more of a steak and chips kind of person but rocket and avocado are really tasty.

Try eating a couple of avocados a week, they have loads of health benefits!

I usually have mine with my dinner in a salad or just on its own with some cracked pepper! :)

Today instead of grabbing a sausage roll in Tesco and a packet of cheese and onion crisps, I saw some avocados and rocket and grabbed those instead. And I feel so much better for doing it.

Just munching on it as I type, yummy.

Now I'm off to town to pick up some negatives from the Camera shop :)
Thanks for reading 



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for your comment!
      They are really good for you, but there are so many other healthy foods out there that you could have instead :)
      Everything in moderation is alright x

  2. I recently tried an avocado for the first time and wasn't sure what to think, I think it was the smushy texture that put me off. However, I have stuck to it and now I can't get enough!
    Sam xx

    1. Yeah they are smushy, I didn't like that at first but the taste won me over! :) Thanks for reading my post

  3. I've never really tried avocados before, but this looks delicious! I definitely need to give it a go sometime!

    1. I only started eating them last year when I had them with some sushi and I fell in love! Had them nearly every week ever since :)
      You should definitely give them a go!
      Thanks for reading my post, I'll have a look at yours too xx

  4. looks super delicious!
    following you on bloglovin', hope you'll look for me too. see you around!

    a possible fantasy

  5. I absolutely love avocado!! I love having it in a salad, and in smoothies, and have recently taken to eating it on toast for a nice lunch. It is quite difficult to get ones which taste nice sometimes, but I have perfected my avocado picking in the supermarket and often go for ready ripe ones.


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